%%           Amiga Report Maillist List, the WWW, and Aminet           %%

AR Mailing List
If you have an internet mailing address, you can receive Amiga Report
in UUENCODED form each week as soon as the issue is released.  To be put
on the list, send Email to listserv@bbs.xnet.com and in the body of
the message put:

ADD <mailaddress> armag

ie: ADD rniles@goofy.com armag

Your account must be able to handle mail of any size to ensure an 
intact copy. For example, many systems have a 100K limit on incoming 

Many thanks to X-Net Information Systems for setting this service up 
for us!

** IMPORTANT NOTICE:  PLEASE be certain your host can accept mail over
** 100K!  We have had a lot of bouncebacks recently from systems with a
** 100K size limit for incoming mail.  If we get a bounceback with your
** address in it, it will be removed from the list.  Thanks!

World Wide Web
AR can also be read with Mosaic (in either AmigaGuide or html form).
Reading AmigaReport with Mosaic removes the necessity to download it.
It can also be read using programs found in UNIX sites such as LYNX.

Simply tell Mosaic to open the following URL:

Mosaic for the Amiga can be found on Aminet in directory comm/net, or
(using anonymous ftp) on max.physics.sunysb.edu

Mosaic for X, Macintosh(tm) and Microsoft Windows(tm) can be found on

To get Amiga Report from Aminet, simply FTP to any Aminet site, CD
to docs/mags. All the back issues are located there as well.
(ftp.cdrom.com or ftp.wustl.edu are two sites)

converted with guide2html by Kochtopf